Susan E. Reed

Susan E. Reed

Susan E. Reed is Managing Attorney with the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center. Susan is a graduate of the University of Minnesota Law School and Marquette University. Susan has practiced immigration and immigrant rights law since 2003. Susan has also served as a staff attorney at Farmworker Legal Services of Michigan and as a regional attorney for Justice for Our Neighbors, the immigration legal services program of the United Methodist Committee on Relief. Her particular interests include the intersection of family and immigration law, the rights of unaccompanied immigrant children, immigrant eligibility for public benefits and programs, and civil rights matters. Susan is Secretary of the Steering Committee for the Michigan Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (MCIRR) and a member of the Michigan Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA). In 2013, Susan was appointed by the Michigan Supreme Court to the Foreign Language Board of Review as the LEP Populations Advocate and served as a committee member of the Court’s Limited English Proficiency Implementation Advisory Committee. Susan is also a member of the Detroit City Council Immigration Task Force. Susan is a proud member of the first class of W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Leadership Network Fellows. She is fluent in Spanish.

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Guest Appearances
October 30, 2018

State Bar of Michigan NEXT Conference 2018: Immigration Law

Susan E. Reed breaks down some of the complexities of immigration law, encourages lawyers to be educated on immigration law, and offers ways lawyers can partner with clients at MIRC.