Steven M. Wise

Steven M. Wise

Steven M. Wise is the president of the Nonhuman Rights Project and has been practicing animal protection law nationwide for 30 years. He currently teaches Animal Rights Jurisprudence at Lewis and Clark, University of Miami, and St. Thomas Law Schools and has previously taught Animal Rights Law at the Harvard and John Marshall Law Schools. Wise has published four books on animal rights, including Rattling the Cage – Toward Legal Rights for Animals, and is currently heading three simultaneous lawsuits in the State of New York to free Chimpanzees.

Guest Appearances
July 7, 2017

The Legal Rights of Animals

Steven Wise and Richard Cupp discuss the recent legal ruling involving captive chimpanzees and the debate over animals as "legal persons.”

December 26, 2014

Animals’ Writ of Habeas Corpus: Autonomy, Self Determination, and Chimpanzees

On December 2, 2013, the first ever lawsuit on behalf of captive chimpanzees was filed in the New York Supreme Court. The objective of that lawsuit was to grant Tommy (a chimpanzee)...