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Steve Puiszis

Steve Puiszis

Steve Puiszis is a partner with Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP and serves as the Firm’s General Counsel – Privacy Security & Compliance. He is a certified (CIPP/US) in information privacy by the International Association of Privacy Professionals. Steve is a member of the Firm’s Lawyers for the Professions Practice Group, counseling and defending both lawyers and law firms in ethics, data security, breach risk, professional liability and disciplinary matters. He is a past president of the Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel and is a fellow of the American Bar Foundation. Steve is the Chair of DRI’s Center for Law and Public Policy, and formerly served on DRI’s Board of Directors. Steve is the author of Illinois Governmental Tort and Section 1983 Civil Rights Liability, now in its Third Edition by Lexis Publishing (formerly Matthew Bender).He has authored book chapters on law firm risk management, data protection and privacy in the U.S., mitigating law firm cyber risk, ethics, and ediscovery.

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Guest Appearances
March 1, 2019

ABA TECHSHOW 2019: Trending: GDPR and Data Privacy Laws?

Steven Puiszis and Judy Selby talk about GDPR and its trending laws giving consumers more control of privacy and data usage.