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Steve Gottlieb

Steve Gottlieb

Steve Gottlieb began his career with Atlanta Legal Aid in 1968 as part of its first summer law student class. He became Executive Director of the organization in 1980, making him one of the longest-serving legal aid directors in the nation at the time of his retirement in 2023, with 43 years of service in the position. During his tenure, ALA dramatically expanded its core services and reach to include clients outside of Atlanta. Steve is also the co-founder of the Health Law Partnership.

In 2022, Steve was honored with the Amicus Curiae award, one of the most prestigious awards bestowed by The Supreme Court of Georgia, in recognition of his years of service providing exceptional service to Georgia’s judicial system and citizens.

Guest Appearances
March 26, 2024

Lessons from Decades of Legal Aid Leadership 

Former legal aid program directors discuss their lessons learned and current concerns on Talk Justice. Jon Asher, former executive director of Colorado Legal Services with 51 years in civil legal aid work,...