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Stephanie Villinski

Stephanie Villinski

Stephanie Villinski (she/her) is the Deputy Director of the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism, where she leads operations and supports the Commission’s mentoring, continuing legal education, and law school programs. With a particular interest in health and wellness, Stephanie seeks to promote a healthier, more rewarding professional life for lawyers and by extension, better service to their clients. She is Chair of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Standing Committee on Professionalism and a member of the ABA’s Cornerstones of Democracy Commission. Stephanie graduated with an Order of Coif distinction from DePaul University College of Law and is a certified yoga teacher. 

Guest Appearances
November 2, 2023

#473: Redefining Perfectionism and Striving for Lawyers, with Stephanie Villinski and Kara Hardin

Zack talks with Stephanie Villinski and Kara Hardin about how lawyers can manage their mental health. They discuss balancing a striver vs. perfectionist mindset, and how lawyers can use self-forgiveness to help...