Simons Chase

Simons Chase

Simons Chase is the co-founder and Editor in Chief of Cuba Journal, the leading website covering Cuba. He has over 20 years of media, technology and principal investing experience. In the last five years, he has been CEO of Instra Corporation (New Zealand), a digital marketing company, and has held leadership positions in a variety of technology startups. Previously, Mr. Chase was Managing Director of SC Capital Management LLC, a client trading and principal investing firm. In his early career, Mr. Chase was a banker and operating company executive focusing on infrastructure finance in oil & gas, hotel, mining, telecom and hydropower sectors in more than 30 countries including Russia, Colombia, Guatemala and Jamaica. Mr. Chase studied developing country economics in graduate school (MA Economics) and has a BA in English.

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Guest Appearances
February 6, 2017

ABA Midyear Meeting 2017: Business in Cuba

Cuba’s role in U.S. economy, commercial opportunities there, and the wet foot, dry foot policy.