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Sandy Ryan

Sandy Ryan

Sandrene “Sandy” Ryan is the senior director of recruiting at Level Legal. She was born a natural recruiter, though she took a circuitous route from the tiny island of Montserrat through the U.S. Army to become a recruiter for legal services. A global citizen and world traveler, Ryan loves all types of people and all kinds of cuisines. She sees and appreciates the good in others, seeking common ground and shared interests with all she encounters.

Recruiting is more than a job. For Ryan, it’s a calling.

Ryan takes the time to help candidates improve their resume, skills, and experience — even if it means recommending them to other recruiters for other positions when necessary for the candidate to thrive.

Although she has tremendous responsibilities to staff projects quickly and often at the last minute, Ryan doesn’t make short-term decisions without understanding how they will affect the company’s strategy and goals. She has a strong learner’s mindset, continually challenging herself to grow and improve.

When she is not in London with family or back home in Montserrat, Ryan makes the U.S. East Coast home.

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Guest Appearances
March 28, 2023

Production: It Starts With Recruiting The Right People

Guest Sandrene “Sandy” Ryan is the senior director of recruiting at Level Legal. She’s built a unique process that focuses on quality and creating “the right match” over putting bodies into slots....