Samantha Meinke

Samantha Meinke

Samantha Meinke is the communications manager at the State Bar of Michigan. In this role, she creates and oversees communications, marketing, social media and media relations strategies and cultivates new online communities for the bar association and its entities. As a speaker and consultant, she advises attorneys and legal entities on how to maximize their online impact. She began her career in the mainstream news media as a newspaper reporter, before becoming a custom publications writer, editor, blogger and an early adopter of social media. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan.

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Guest Appearances
January 16, 2018

How Lawyers can Harness Social Media

Samantha Meinke talks about how and why lawyers should use social media to improve their practice.

January 16, 2018

An Overview of the 2017 NEXT Conference

Samantha Meinke talks about the 2017 Next Conference including what’s new and what opportunities are available for attendees.

April 23, 2015

2015 ABA TECHSHOW: “How To” Use Yelp, Evernote, and Be Mobile Friendly

Legal Talk Network producer Laurence Colletti interviews three presenters from the “How-To…” Track of the 2015 ABA TECHSHOW. Philippe Doyle Gray discusses how lawyers can use Evernote as a digital extension of...