Ryan Anderson

Ryan Anderson

Ryan Anderson is the founder and CEO of Filevine, a project management and collaboration tool for lawyers and consumer professionals.

Ryan is also a founding partner and trial attorney at Bighorn Law, a personal injury and workers’ compensation firm that has grown from two attorneys in Nevada to seventy employees across four states.

Ryan is a father of four, a cycling fanatic, and a workaholic.

Guest Appearances
December 2, 2022

Hyped for “Cocaine Bear”; Filevine’s Ryan Anderson; and “The Magnificent Andersons”

Efficient back-and-forth communication in law firms has always been a necessity, but it’s not always easy to do it well. Finding the right collaboration tech is a critical step in modern law...

August 18, 2015

The Future of Law Firm Communication: Is Email on the Way Out?

While convenient, email seems to be increasingly a distraction in law firms and most other businesses. Furthermore, email chains about important cases sit in our inboxes next to spam, family interactions, personal...