Robert Katzberg

Robert Katzberg

Robert Katzberg is an attorney in Holland & Knight’s New York office. For more than four decades, Mr. Katzberg has been a prominent member of the New York white collar criminal defense bar, representing clients in a multitude of high-profile criminal investigations and prosecutions.

Among Mr. Katzberg’s most public courtroom victories was as co-counsel to Mark Belnick, who was acquitted of all charges in the Tyco/Dennis Kozlowski prosecution, and his successful defense of Goldman Sachs partner Patrick Murphy, a New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) “specialist” accused of participating in a scheme to trade ahead of customer orders.

Since 2008, Mr. Katzberg has been heavily involved in multiple aspects of the international banking controversy between the United States and Switzerland concerning undeclared Swiss accounts maintained by U.S. taxpayers. He has successfully represented dozens of individuals in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Voluntary Disclosure Programs and negotiated non-prosecution agreements with the U.S. Department of Justice for nine U.S. taxpayers ineligible for voluntary disclosure. Mr. Katzberg also successfully represented six Swiss banks in the Justice Department’s Swiss Bank Program.

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Guest Appearances
June 10, 2020

What’s lost when jury trials vanish?

Robert Katzber explains why he chose to praise and criticize people by name, and why jury duty is such a valuable experience.