Richard Rappaport

Richard Rappaport

Richard Warren Rappaport is an attorney and principal in the law firm of Richard Warren Rappaport, Esquire, and is licensed to practice in Florida, New York and Washington, DC, with offices in Boca Raton and Miami Beach. He is a former partner of Yoss LLP (2001-2011) and created and co-chaired the Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law Practice Group at that firm.

Mr. Rappaport practices in Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law, Media Law, Communications Law, Intellectual Property Law, Corporate Law and International Law and Trade, and advises clients in all aspects of the expanding world of entertainment, arts and sports law, domestically and internationally.

Guest Appearances
February 6, 2017

ABA Midyear Meeting 2017: Attorneys in the Spotlight

Lawyers in the entertainment industry need to keep up with growing technology, say experts.