Rebecca Harding

Rebecca Harding

Rebecca Harding is a marketing & business development specialist and founder of Saltwhistle communications, where she provides services including practice/business consultancy, partner/executive/board advisory services, marketing, pitching and business development, innovation workshops and communications solutions. She works with firms to increase their international effectiveness as well as helps them to draw international tenders and pitches.

Prior to establishing Saltwhistle Communications, Rebecca was Head of Communications at Andersens for half their practice areas, specifically servicing Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa. She also worked in marketing within the oil industry, at corporations such as BNFL, BP, ESSO and Shell. Rebecca started her career in production at BBC Pebble Mill, working on programs such as Top Gear and is currently doing a chat show for the BBC.

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Guest Appearances
June 20, 2019

Your Clients are Humans, Be One Too

Rebecca Harding of Saltwhistle shares the value of creating a human connection with clients, common mistakes in law firm marketing, and how younger lawyers can help drive their firms’ IT planning.