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Ralph Losey

Ralph Losey

Ralph Losey practices general employment litigation and e-discovery in the Orlando office of Jackson Lewis P.C. He serves as the firm’s National e-Discovery Counsel, and Chair of the Electronic Discovery Practice Group and has served for years as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Florida’s College of Law, teaching e-discovery. Losey is a frequent speaker at e-discovery conferences and CLEs around the country and a leading contributor in the field of legal search, including recent landmark decisions on the use of predictive coding.

Guest Appearances
February 27, 2015

Predictive Coding: Recall Calculations to the Rescue

In 2015, astute ediscovery practitioners are looking for ways to take predictive coding to new heights using recall calculations. Ralph Losey, a leader in the e-discovery and predictive coding field, has devised...