Rachael Bosch

Rachael Bosch

Rachael Bosch founded Fringe PD to help people across industries and experience levels communicate more effectively at work. Having worked in talent management for more than a decade, Rachael knows firsthand the value of — and need for — strong communication skills and inclusive leadership. Today, Rachael is a strategist, coach, and speaker. She brings to this work certified training in brain-based coaching (NeuroLeadership Institute), women in leadership (Cornell University), mediating disputes (Harvard Law School of Executive Studies), and the DiSC and EQi 2.0© methodologies. Rachael is an active member of the Forbes Coaches Council and serves as a Trusted Advisor to the Professional Development Consortium.

Rachael has a background in theatrical performance and vocalization, is a two-time Ironman finisher, and has a rapscallion of sheepadoodle named Henry. She lives in Washington, D.C.

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Guest Appearances
October 27, 2023

A New Era of Advertising; Perfecting Workplace Communication; and “A Rose By Any Other Name”

Whether there’s a generational divide, unhelpful technology, a lack of emotional intelligence, or, really, a whole bunch of other issues—communication is hard. And, when communication breaks down, your business just doesn’t operate...