Professor Melissa Hart

Professor Melissa Hart

Professor Melissa Hart teaches courses on employment discrimination, legal ethics, constitutional law, judicial procedure and judicial decision making at the University of Colorado Law School. Prior to that, she practiced law for several years in Washington, D.C., including as a trial attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice. She remains active in the legal community, regularly handling pro bono cases and serving on the Colorado Access to Justice Commission, the Colorado Supreme Court’s Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee and Board of Continuing Judicial and Legal Education, and is now the director of the Byron White Center for the Study of American Constitutional Law.

Guest Appearances
April 3, 2015

Ellen Pao v. Kleiner Perkins: A Discussion about Gender Equality in Law

A jury of six women and six men decided against Ellen Pao’s claims that gender discrimination was to blame for her not being promoted at and eventually being fired from Kleiner Perkins...