Peter Rousmaniere

Peter Rousmaniere

Peter Rousmaniere helps organizations and individuals as they negotiate through the troubling waters of hazards, uncertainty, risk and insurance. His special expertise is in workers compensation; other corporate types of insurance; new risk management product design and implementation; information technology; and, risk communication. He also writes about healthcare.

Prior to entering the risk and insurance field in 1986, he worked on organizational development engagements for state governments and universities. Between 1985 and 1996, he was an executive and equity investor in Lynch, Ryan & Associates and Healthcare First, bringing innovative practices to prevent and resolve work related injuries. He has since worked as a consultant individually or in concert with other teams of consultants. His clients have included three of the ten largest workers compensation insurers in the world and many medium sized and boutique organizations.

Between 2003 and 2013 he wrote the monthly workers’ compensation column for Risk & Insurance Magazine. He received a national award for best feature article series in a business magazine.

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Guest Appearances
October 4, 2019

Peter Rousmaniere: Reflections from a Career in Workers’ Comp

Peter Rousmaniere shares insights from his career as a workers’ comp consultant and journalist.

February 23, 2017

Are Workers’ Comp Benefits Adequate?

Peter Rousmaniere talks about whether workers’ compensation benefits truly meet the needs of injured workers.

January 30, 2017

How the Trump Administration will Affect Workers’ Compensation

The potential effect of President Trump's administration, and a Republican majority in Congress on state-based workers’ comp programs.