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Oliver Burkeman

Oliver Burkeman

Oliver Burkeman is the author of the New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller Four Thousand Weeks, about embracing limitation and finally getting around to what counts, along with The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking and Help! How to Become Slightly Happier and Get a Bit More Done. For many years he wrote a popular column for the Guardian, ‘This Column Will Change Your Life’. In his email newsletter The Imperfectionist, he writes about productivity, mortality, the power of limits, and building a meaningful life in an age of distraction. He lives in the North York Moors.

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Guest Appearances
December 1, 2022

#419: Free Yourself from Productivity, with Oliver Burkeman

Is your to-do list never-ending? When was the last time you really felt productive? When we are constantly trying to get things off our list, the list seems to only grow longer.  ...