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Nikole Nelson

Nikole Nelson

Nikole Nelson is the executive director of Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC), Alaska’s only LSC-funded program and the only statewide provider of free civil legal assistance to low-income Alaskans. Nikole oversees ALSC’s 11 offices and a staff of more than 40 people who are scattered across the vast state of Alaska. She joined ALSC in 1998 as a staff attorney shortly after graduating from Willamette University College of Law. Before being hired as ALSC’s Executive Director in 2010, she managed ALSC’s four offices in Alaska’s largest judicial district. She is a member of the Alaska Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Access to Civil Justice, the Alaska Bar Association’s Pro Bono Services Committee, she serves on the Municipality of Anchorage’s Housing and Neighborhood Development Commission, and currently Co-Chair’s that Commission’s Oversight Subcommittee on Homelessness.

Guest Appearances
January 17, 2023

Using Supervised Non-lawyers to Provide Limited-Scope Legal Assistance

Legal experts discuss Alaska’s recent approval of the use of supervised non-lawyers to provide limited-scope legal assistance on the latest episode of LSC’s “Talk Justice” podcast, released today. LSC President Ron Flagg...

June 12, 2018

2018 Equal Justice Conference: Educating Legislators About Legal Aid 2.0

Government funding is one of the principle sources of funding for legal aid programs but convincing politicians to fund these programs can seem like a huge obstacle. Experts discuss the complex issue...