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Mike Maschke

Mike Maschke

Mike Maschke is the chief executive officer and director of cybersecurity and digital forensics at Sensei Enterprises, Inc. Mike holds a degree in telecommunications from James Madison University. He has testified as a cybersecurity expert and routinely performs security and vulnerability assessments for clients, as well as data breach investigations throughout the country.Mike Maschke is the chief executive officer and director of cybersecurity and digital forensics at Sensei Enterprises, Inc. Mike holds a degree in telecommunications from James Madison University. He has testified as a cybersecurity expert and routinely performs security and vulnerability assessments for clients, as well as data breach investigations throughout the country.

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Guest Appearances
October 19, 2023

Enhancing Law Firm Cybersecurity: The Ten Most Important Steps

A strong foundation for your law firm should be built on sensible cybersecurity policies and procedures. What should that look like? Sharon Nelson and John Simek have a conversation with Mike Maschke...

August 20, 2020

Penetration Tests and Cybersecurity Assessments: What Lawyers Need to Know

Cybersecurity expert Mike Maschke explains how penetration tests help lawyers protect themselves by identifying weak points in their security systems.