Michael W. McConnell

Michael W. McConnell

Professor Michael W. McConnell is the director of the Constitutional Law Center at Stanford Law School, and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. He has two upcoming books: The President Who Would Not Be King: Executive Power Under the Constitution, will be published by Princeton University Press in late 2020, and Establishment of Religion: Neutrality, Accommodation, and Separation, will be published by Cambridge University Press in 2021.

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Guest Appearances
February 5, 2021

The Executive Orders of President Biden

Host Craig Willliams and professors Michael W. McConnell and Dr. Kevin G. Vance take a look at President Biden's executive orders.

August 21, 2020

The Constitutionality of the President’s Recent Executive Orders

Professors Kim Wehle and Michael McConnell discuss the constitutionality of President Trump's recent use of executive orders.