Matthew Dicks

Matthew Dicks

Matthew Dicks has been an elementary school teacher for the last 21 years in West Hartford, Connecticut. He’s also a columnist, contributor, playwright, life coach, a personal productivity consultant, DJ, minister, stand up comic, and writer with four published novels, one book of nonfiction, and another novel on the way in November.
But Matthew is also a storyteller. He is a 40-time Moth StorySLAM champion and 6-time GrandSLAM champion. He and his wife also run Speak Up, a Hartford-based storytelling organization that produced storytelling shows in Connecticut and throughout New England. They also co-host a podcast called Speak Up Storytelling, which seeks to teach storytelling to listeners.

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Guest Appearances
August 1, 2019

#235: Storytelling, with Matthew Dicks

In this episode of The Lawyerist Podcast, Sam Glover talks with Matthew Dicks about storytelling and how learning the skill can help lawyers in their business.