Matt Keenan

Matt Keenan

Matt Keenan graduated from KU law school in 1981 and following that, had a judicial clerkship for the Hon. James K. Logan on the 10th Circuit court of appeals. Then he joined Shook, Hardy & Bacon in August, 1985 where he worked for 37 years in the medical device division as an equity partner. In that time, he served as chair of the firm’s pro bono committee and was on the Board of Legal Aid of Western Missouri.

In August, 2019, the U.S. Senate confirmed him to the Board of Legal Services Corporation, the umbrella organization to legal aid organizations around the country, including KLS.

In December 2022, Matt resigned the LSC board and his firm to become the Executive Director of Kansas Legal Services.

Guest Appearances
July 23, 2024

Medical Debt Suits Plague Courts and Patients—Is There Another Way?

Guests from Kansas and Tennessee discuss the growth of medical debt lawsuits, their impact on patients, and efforts to mitigate these suits on Talk Justice.  The Wall Street Journal recently reported on...