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Marc Lauritsen

Marc Lauritsen

Marc Lauritsen, President of Capstone Practice Systems, is a lawyer and educator with over twenty years of pioneering leadership in advanced legal software. He earned two degrees from MIT and the J.D. from Harvard Law School. After practicing and supervising in legal aid offices, Marc returned to Harvard as a fieldwork instructor, director of clinical programs, and a senior research associate. He directed Project Pericles, Harvard’s first major research program in law and computers.

Guest Appearances
March 18, 2020

Evaluating Legal Technology Applications

Marc Lauritsen and Quinten Steenhuis talk about how lawyers should be more engaged with legal technology applications and how to get started.

November 11, 2014

ABA Law Practice Division: Marc Lauritsen on the eLawyering Task Force

New Solo host Adriana Linares interviews eLawyering Task Force Co-Chair Marc Lauritsen at the 2014 American Bar Association Law Practice Division Fall Meeting. eLawyering is defined as providing legal services to clients...