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Laura Frederick

Laura Frederick

Laura Frederick is the founder of How to Contract and managing attorney at Laura Frederick Law, PLLC, a boutique law firm based in Austin, Texas. Laura has over 25 years of experience helping clients with their business contracts and technology agreements. In early 2021, Laura launched How to Contract, a practical contract training platform. Over 300 members joined globally.  During the last year, Laura has helped these lawyers and professionals master contract drafting and negotiations skills.

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Guest Appearances
April 6, 2022

Ex-Tesla attorney leveraged her contract expertise into a book and thriving LinkedIn community

In August 2020, contract attorney Laura Frederick accepted a challenge: Post to LinkedIn once a day, every day, for a month. Frederick thought she might be able to keep up a string...

March 1, 2022

The Best Show on TV; How to Contract with Laura Frederick; and “Legal Toolkit Trivia” with Jane Kuhuk

“Bluey” dad, Bandit, is Jared’s spirit animal; Laura shares her love of legal contracts; and longtime listener Jane tests her knowledge of obscure Legal Toolkit facts.