Kathy Steinberg

Kathy Steinberg

Kathy Steinberg began her research career at Harris Interactive (now The Harris Poll) in 2004 as a Research Assistant and today serves as Vice President for the Media Communications Research practice. Kathy has worked on domestic and international projects in a variety of industries and on topics as diverse as computer and online security, gaps and unmet needs in patient-physician communication, and personal financial literacy and planning. She is an expert in the design and analysis of public opinion polls, has served as Managing Editor of The Harris Poll, and is responsible for high-level management and client service of large-scale custom studies designed for public release and thought leadership platforms. Kathy earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development from Cornell University and is based in New York City.

Guest Appearances
August 13, 2024

Survey Finds Americans Lack Knowledge About Civil Legal Issues

Experts discuss the findings from a new survey on Americans’ knowledge of civil legal issues on Talk Justice. The recent survey of more than 2,000 Americans was conducted by The Harris Poll...