Kathryn Smith

Kathryn Smith

Kathryn Smith is an ecommerce consultant based outside of Atlanta, GA. She helps entrepreneurs and small businesses launch and grow successful websites and ecommerce stores.

Kathryn Smith began consulting in 2009 while working a web designer for the Yellow Pages. While creating websites for hundreds of small businesses she realized a website was only the first step. Businesses also needed support promoting their website, making changes, and adding features to support their unique customers and industries.

As technology evolved more website features became available, and it became easier and cheaper to build sites. Now there are so many options it can be hard to know what works best for your business, industry, and customers. Kathryn founded Walton Birch in 2019 to make it easier for small businesses to launch and grow an online presence.

Now, more than ever, businesses need to have a strong online presence. Walton Birch helps businesses figure out what their needs, and we help create it. Whether the goal is to start selling products or services online, attract new customers, or grow online traffic, we can create a custom strategy to help.

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Guest Appearances
October 24, 2022

What does ecommerce look like for lawyers? with Kathryn Smith

What does ecommerce look like for lawyers? Can you be in ecommerce without a product-based business? Kathryn Smith is an ecommerce consultant based outside of Atlanta, GA. She helps entrepreneurs and small...