Katherine Alteneder

Katherine Alteneder

Katherine built SRLN into a broad international network of justice system and allied professionals who are creating innovative and evidence-based solutions so that self-represented litigants have meaningful access to the courts and get the legal help they need. She now serves as the Consulting Senior Strategic Advisor, and guides SRLN’s many activities designed to grow the justice ecosystem and strengthen each part of the legal help continuum. Before joining SRLN in 2013, Katherine spent her career in Alaska, initially as a trial court law clerk and then as a legal aid lawyer. In 2001, she joined the Alaska Court System as the Founding Director of the nation’s first comprehensive phone and internet based court self-help center. In 2008, Katherine established a successful unbundled practice and founded the first Unbundled Law Section of a state bar. Katherine is a frequent speaker and serves on numerous advisory bodies including the Advisory Committee for Voices for Civil Justice, Village Capital’s Justice Tech Advisory Board, and the National Center for State Courts Justice for All Project. She is also a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Georgetown Institute for Technology Law and Policy. Katherine received the National Center for State Courts Distinguished Service Award in 2019 for her work to improve access to justice. Katherine has a BA from Northwestern University, a JD from Seattle University School of Law, and resides in Virginia. Katherine especially enjoys opportunities to mentor those who seeking a career path in access to justice and public interest law.

Guest Appearances
November 23, 2021

The Digital Divide and Legal Aid Access

The impact of the digital divide on access to justice. Why some will suffer a lot more.