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Kate Briscoe

Kate Briscoe

Kate Briscoe is the Co-Founder LegalBeagles & JustBeagle. LegalBeagles® is the trading name of LegalBeagles Group Ltd, a small company whose directors believe strongly in community, independence and ethics. The directors own and manage the consumer legal help and support forum, and the UK’s largest independent legal services comparison website

LegalBeagles Group Ltd are committed to ensuring LegalBeagles® remains free to access for all consumers and to continuing to offer a forum for individuals to share ideas and experiences to benefit others.

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Guest Appearances
August 29, 2018

GLBC Annual Meeting 2018: Blockchain Technology Real-Life Examples

Trent Carlyle, Kate Briscoe, James Cornell, and Brian Kuhn talk about how their companies have been utilizing blockchain technology and problems this technology address.