Judge Herbert Dixon

Judge Herbert Dixon

Judge Herbert B. Dixon, Jr., is a senior judge with the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and, in 2021, was elected chair of the ABA Journal Board of Editors for the flagship magazine of the American Bar Association and signature publication for the profession. Judge Dixon is the technology columnist for The Judges’ Journal magazine and chair of the ABA Judicial Division’s Book editorial Board. He is a former member of the ABA TECHSHOW Planning Board, former chair of the ABA Standing Committee on the American Judicial System, and former chair of the National Conference of State Trial Judges.

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Guest Appearances
September 30, 2021

New Horizons for the ABA Journal

Judge Herbert Dixon discusses plans for the future of the ABA Journal.

January 11, 2017

Judge Dixon stays on to keep bringing tech to courts

At 69, Legal Rebels Trailblazer Judge Herbert Dixon is still proselytizing about high tech in courthouses and courtrooms.

April 23, 2015

2015 ABA TECHSHOW: Using Your iPad for Client Intake Through Trial

Legal Talk Network producer Laurence Colletti interviews Judge Herbert Dixon, Jonathan Lomurro, and Bjorn Christensen, who spoke on the iPad Track during 2015 ABA TECHSHOW. During the track, presenters explained how to...