Joshua Peck

Joshua Peck

Joshua Peck is the Senior Media Relations Manager at the law firm of Duane Morris. He has more than 30 years of combined corporate communications, journalism and public relations experience, including press relations with various levels of government and in politics, and has 17 years of experience with law firms.

Peck also co-founded Law Firm Media Professionals (LFMP), a national association of in-house and outside media and marketing professionals dedicated to improving how they deliver public relations and communications services to the outstanding law firms they serve.

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Guest Appearances
April 1, 2015

ATL Converge: Media Relations with Joshua Peck

Lawyer 2 Lawyer host Bob Ambrogi interviews Joshua Peck about how law firms should interact with the mainstream media at the 2015 Above the Law conference ATL Converge. Peck explains that law...