Jody Glidden

Jody Glidden

Jody Glidden is a serial entrepreneur and an innovator in the field of generative AI, which uses machine learning to create engaging and personalized content for enterprises. He is the founder and CEO of Postilize, a company that launched in April 2023 and aims to change how businesses build their base of loyal customers. 

With over 25 years of experience in founding and leading B2B technology companies, Jody has a track record of delivering value, growth, and innovation to his clients and partners. He was also the founder of Introhive, the fastest growing revenue acceleration system that applies machine learning and automation to CRM. Introhive has won multiple awards and recognition, and is used by some of the world’s largest and most secure companies. Jody is passionate about product, sales technology, and is always eager to learn, teach, and build. He is an E&Y Entrepreneur of the year finalist and holds multiple patents in many fields of software.

Guest Appearances
July 19, 2024

Legal Tech Genius & Real Housewives of Miami Star Reveals the Secrets to Successful Relationships (Business Professional Ones, That Is)

Were the Beach Boys once on track to become America’s version of the Beatles? Surprisingly, maybe. Disney recently put out a less-than-stellar Beach Boys documentary, so Jared takes on the task of...