Joan Bullock

Joan Bullock

Joan R.M. Bullock is Dean of Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law. A Michigan lawyer and CPA, she is a past chair of the American Bar Association Law Practice Division, or LP. Additionally, Bullock is a fellow of the American Bar Foundation and serves in leadership as secretary of the Council of the ABA Section of Science and Technology Law.

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Guest Appearances
March 3, 2022

Women and The Law: Perspectives From Women Deans of Texas Law Schools

Texas law school deans Joan Bullock, Jennifer Collins, Felecia Epps, and Patricia Roberts share their perspectives on womens’ contributions to the legal profession.

November 11, 2014

ABA Law Practice Division: Joan Bullock on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Legal Talk Network Producer Laurence Colletti interviews Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee Joan Bullock at the 2014 American Bar Association Law Practice Division Fall Meeting. Bullock discusses committee initiatives including...