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Jim Calloway

Jim Calloway

Jim Calloway is the Director of the Oklahoma Bar Association’s Management Assistance Program and is a recognized speaker on legal technology issues, Internet research, law office management, and legal ethics. In addition to running the Law Practice Tips blog, he writes articles for noted legal magazines, including Law Practice Management and Law Technology News.

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Guest Appearances
August 18, 2016

Cyber Security for Small Firms and Solo Practices

Sharon Nelson and John Simek speak Jim Calloway about ways small firm and solo attorneys can improve their cyber security.

April 23, 2015

20 Blawggers in 20 Minutes: Legal Blogs in 60 Seconds

Beer for Bloggers is a cooperative social event in its 8th year at ABA TECHSHOW between the ABA Journal and LexBlog, which celebrates law blogging and law bloggers. Legal Talk Network producer...