Jeffrey Klenk

Jeffrey Klenk

Jeffrey Klenk is the managing director in the Washington, D.C., office of the consulting firm Berkeley Research Group (BRG). He focuses on the application of economic theory to issues of antitrust complaints as well as to the analysis of damages stemming from commercial litigation.

Examples of his antitrust work include analysis of alleged price-fixing, tying and bundling arrangements, the use of conditional rebates, and resale price maintenance. Klenk has also analyzed royalties and lost profits in patent infringement matters, lost wages in employment disputes such as wrongful termination, and public interest and remedy issues in Section 337 cases. He also has significant experience analyzing issues associated with class certification, particularly in price-fixing complaints.

In addition to economic consulting, Klenk has taught dozens of online classes for Penn State University’s World Campus including micro and macroeconomics, labor economics, and econometrics. He has served as adjunct faculty at George Washington University and Catholic University and has published articles on both antitrust and damages issues.

Klenk earned two bachelor’s degrees and his master’s degree at Pennsylvania State University. 

Full bio available online

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Guest Appearances
August 9, 2024

Class Actions: When Your Expert Witness Is (and Should Be) an Economist

Guest Jeffrey Klenk explains the role of economists as expert witnesses to help dissect a claim from preparation and filing to depositions to testimony.