Hannah Hembree Bell

Hannah Hembree Bell

Hannah Bell is the founding attorney of Hembree Bell Law Firm, where she specializes in family law, divorce, and estate planning. She is dedicated to helping individuals navigate challenging family matters with care and compassion.

Hannah focuses solely on serving people and families, driven by her genuine passion for assisting others. After working at a large law firm in downtown San Antonio, she realized that her true calling was to support individuals rather than big companies. Hannah made the decision to dedicate her career to helping good people facing the complexities and emotional turmoil of divorce and family disputes.

Hannah and her team at Hembree Bell Law Firm handle divorce, custody, and family law cases for clients across multiple counties in the Austin and San Antonio areas. Additionally, they offer estate planning and divorce coaching services statewide.

Guest Appearances
July 4, 2023

Radical Ways to Improve Law Firm Culture (State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting 2023)

Culture can make or break your law firm, and it is absolutely essential to nurture a positive, supportive environment to truly have a successful firm. Senior law firm leaders Holly Draper, Hannah...