George Speckart

George Speckart

Dr. George Speckart is the only Litigation Psychologist in the country with experience spanning four decades; a Ph. D. in psychological measurement; and internationally recognized publications on the prediction of behavior (enter “G. Speckart” in Google Scholar). Since the early 80’s, he has worked in four different consulting firms, compiling the best “tricks of the trade” from each one in research design, witness training and juror profiling.

As a result of his emphasis on scientific rigor, his research is considered to be the most accurate in the industry. He is “the jury consultants’ jury consultant:” Practitioners in the field come to him regularly for advice, and he has been called by several clients “possibly the best jury consultant in the United States.”

Before obtaining his Ph D at UCLA in 1984, he worked with the author of the book Nonverbal Communication, which established the foundation for most litigation-related witness training conducted today. He also worked with the head of the Measurement Division of the American Psychological Association, producing research on the prediction of behavior that was recognized in the international scientific community. Since that time, this work has been integrated into a specialized form of litigation (jury) research to assist trial teams in accurately valuing their cases for developing optimal settlement and mediation strategies.

In 1983 he was placed in charge of the Agent Orange litigation, and in the early 90’s the Exxon Valdez litigation, in which his research predicted an award of $5.2 billion (actual $5.0 billion). In over 1500 cases, his research has been used to estimate damages using scientific approaches to forecasting jury awards, saving clients millions of dollars in the process. More recently, his work in psychological measurement “cracked the code” on East Texas juror profiles, leading to nine defense verdicts in the notorious East Texas patent litigation (see, “Taming Texas” 2008).

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March 25, 2020

Nuclear Containment: How Insurers and Insureds Can Avoid Excessive Verdicts

Expert Service Providers discuss what's driving the increase in the number and size of nuclear verdicts.