Gabriel Teninbaum

Gabriel Teninbaum

Gabriel Teninbaum began his legal career by attending law school at night while serving in the U.S. Secret Service. After graduating from Suffolk Law in 2005, he had a two-year stint as a trial attorney at a Boston firm before joining the full-time faculty as a professor at Suffolk University Law School in 2007. Since then, he has taught 9 different courses and has more than 20 publications to his name. Today, he teaches LPS and also leads Suffolk Law’s legal technology and innovation work, including directing the Institute on Law Practice Technology and Innovation, and also directing Suffolk Law’s academic concentration (akin to an undergraduate major) in legal technology/innovation. He also built, which is an app that harnesses scientific research to allow law students and bar preppers to learn far more in far less time. He was named one of the 2016 FastCase 50, which honors the law’s smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries, & leaders. During the 2016-17 academic year, Prof. Teninbaum will be a Visiting Fellow at the Information Society Project at Yale Law School.

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Guest Appearances
July 22, 2019

AALL 2019: How to Build the Case for Legal Innovation

Dean Sonderegger, Steve Lastres, Gabe Teninbaum, and Catherine Monte examine ways to build the case for innovation in law firms and legal organizations.

April 20, 2017

Encouraging Innovation in Law School

Gabe Teninbaum, professor of legal writing at Suffolk Law, talks about the work Suffolk is doing to encourage innovation, including programs, technology courses, and internship opportunities.