Drummond Reed

Drummond Reed

Drummond has spent over two decades working on Internet identity, security, privacy, and trust frameworks. He joined Evernym as Chief Trust Officer after Evernym’s acquisition of Respect Network, where he was CEO, co-founder, and co-author of the Respect Trust Framework, which was honored with the Privacy Award at the 2011 European Identity Conference. Drummond has served as co-chair of the OASIS XDI Technical Committee since 2004, the new semantic data interchange protocol that implements Privacy by Design. Prior to starting Respect Network, Drummond was Executive Director of two industry foundations: the Information Card Foundation and the Open Identity Exchange, the international not-for-profit clearinghouse for Internet trust frameworks. He has also served as a founding board member of the OpenID Foundation, ISTPA, XDI.org, and Identity Commons. In 2002 he was a recipient of the Digital Identity Pioneer Award from Digital ID World, and in 2013 he was honored as an OASIS Distinguished Contributor.

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Guest Appearances
November 20, 2017

MIT Legal Forum 2017: Deconstructing Self-Sovereign Identity

Amy ter Haar talks to Drummond Reed about self-sovereign identity, how it works, and what it could mean for the future of law.