Derek LaCroix

Derek LaCroix

Derek LaCroix, QC, joined LAP as the Executive Director in 1996. With 40 years work experience, he brings a sincere and valued perspective to his commitment to both the organization and to the BC legal profession. Derek practiced law for 18 years and went on to expand his skills in business and counseling. This diverse range of interests has helped Derek become a respected leader in the legal, health care and recovery communities. He has served on committees with the Canadian Bar Association and the American Bar Association. He was a Commissioner of the Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs (CoLAP) and the Chair of the annual CoLAP conference for several years. He is also on several non-profit boards of societies dealing with addictions, education and spirituality. He is often called upon to present seminars and workshops throughout the province, and is tireless in his efforts to make a positive difference in the lives of legal professionals and those who care about them. He received the designation of Queen’s Counsel in 2004.

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