David Margulies

David Margulies

David Margulies, president of The Margulies Communications Group, is the author of “Save Your Company, Save Your Job: Crisis Management in the Internet Age.” He is frequently interviewed on network television and quoted in print media and is himself a former broadcast journalist.

Margulies speaks nationally on media relations, crisis prevention, crisis management and the impact of social media and the Internet. His presentations include “Never Say ‘No Comment’” and “Media Savvy Litigation in the Social Media Age.”

He and his team at MCG specialize in public relations, crisis management and prevention, crisis communication plans, special events, litigation support, community philanthropy programs, video production, cause marketing, perception management, branding, social media, and government and media relations.

Save Your Company, Save Your Job, Crisis Management in the Internet Age” 

Speaker Contact:
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: David Margulies
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marguliescommunications/ 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/marguliesgroup

Guest Appearances
June 10, 2022

A Crisis Is Coming (Oh, Believe It). Are You Prepared? (State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting 2022)

No matter how good you are as an attorney, your law firm will face a crisis. Crisis management gurus explore how to prepare and react.