Damon Cassens

Damon Cassens

Damon is an exceptional trial lawyer who has practiced law in Colorado Springs since 1994. Since that time, he has specialized in criminal defense including DUI litigation, as well as liquor license cases, and regulatory disputes. In his current role with Waters, Kubik, and Cassens, he focuses on criminal defense and liquor license cases, primarily. Damon’s education in biology and chemistry has given him in-depth knowledge about the scientific issues that often arise in court. This has been especially helpful to his clients charged with DUIs. As an educated advocate and certified field sobriety administrator, he has been able to use scientific evidence time and again to show that roadside sobriety tests or breathalyzers were compromised in some way. Thanks to this understanding of the science behind these tests, many of his clients have been acquitted, avoiding the serious consequences of a DUI.

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Guest Appearances
June 24, 2019

Elevate 2019: Cannabis Law

A panel of guests join OTR to discuss cannabis law, review different rules and regulations around the country and discuss about Colorado’s legalization of cannabis.