Corban Addison

Corban Addison

Corban Addison is the internationally bestselling author of four novels, A Walk Across the Sun, The Garden of Burning Sand, The Tears of Dark Water (which won the inaugural Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Award), and A Harvest of Thorns, and one work of narrative non-fiction, Wastelands, coming from Alfred A. Knopf in May 2022. An attorney, activist, and world traveler, he is a supporter of numerous humanitarian causes. He lives with his wife and children in Virginia.

Guest Appearances
June 13, 2022

Legal Storytelling and Legal Writing with Corban Addison (State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting 2022)

Special guest Corban Addision joins to discuss his most recent legal thriller “Wastelands”; and how lawyers can leverage the power of storytelling in their legal writing and client advocacy initiatives.