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Cameron Herold

Cameron Herold

Cameron Herold is the COO of 1-800-Got-Junk who helped take the company from $2 million to $106 in revenue and the author of five books, including Double Double and Meetings Suck. Learn more about the article mentioned in this episode about the entrepreneurial rollercoaster here.

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Guest Appearances
November 16, 2023

#476: The CEO Whisperer’s Advice for Hiring a Second in Command, with Cameron Herold

You are leading your law firm, but you can’t do everything. In this episode, Stephanie talks with Cameron Herald about what a second in command looks like and how to find one...

March 19, 2020

#268: Riding the Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster, with Cameron Herold

Cameron Herold explains how the stages of entrepreneurship translate to different action steps.