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Brian Daly

Brian Daly

Brian Daly is an associate planner at the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. As an associate planner, Brian works with community partners to create and implement local plans that address housing, economic development, transportation, and the environment. He provides technical assistance on projects including comprehensive plans, zoning updates, policy research, and natural resource plans. At the regional level, Brian has worked on environmental and land use policy development for the forthcoming ON TO 2050 regional plan, including spatial analysis of the Chicago region’s natural resources, development of data indicators to track plan implementation, and updating the region’s plan for its bike trail network.

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Guest Appearances
August 3, 2018

ABA Annual Meeting 2018: Climate Resilience and Legal Adaptation

Tina Campbell Hebert, Brian Daly, David Silverman, Hari Osofsky, and Dan Rees talk about climate change and the law.