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Ben Jackson

Ben Jackson

Ben Jackson, Chief Product Officer of the debt relief nonprofit Upsolve, had to file for bankruptcy without a lawyer after his small business failed. Wanting to make the law more accessible to other low-income Americans in debt, Ben went on to graduate from law school at Chicago-Kent Law School before joining Upsolve’s founding team. Ben played a leading role in automating Upsolve’s bankruptcy application review from 90 minutes to 3 minutes and has built numerous generative AI tools. In 2022, Ben was also recognized by FastCase as one of the 50 most innovative leaders of the legal profession.

Guest Appearances
April 9, 2024

Upsolve’s New Student Debt Relief Tools

Guests from the online bankruptcy service Upsolve and Philadelphia Legal Assistance (PLA) discuss a new, free web resource for people struggling with student debt on Talk Justice. PLA received funding from a...