Audrey Anderson

Audrey Anderson

Audrey Anderson focuses her practice on representing colleges, universities and educational institutions. Drawing on her over 30 years of experience gained as outside litigation counsel, government counsel, and as the general counsel for a major research university, Audrey brings judgment, creativity and practicality to solving her client’s problems across a range of issues arising from the activities of students, faculty and others in learning, living, teaching, researching and working on a college campus. Whether an issue arises under the First Amendment or Title IX, occurs in the lab, the board room or the athletics department, involves counseling, negotiation, or litigation, Audrey helps her clients find practical ways forward. These matters involve Title IX and other investigations; policy reviews and revisions; employment and labor issues, including tenure cases; statutory and regulatory compliance counseling; admissions programs counseling and litigation; OCR complaints; and litigation of all types.

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Guest Appearances
March 10, 2021

Suing Harvard! (for racial discrimination in admissions)

Will colleges be allowed to continue using race as a factor for admissions?