Amy Horton-Newell

Amy Horton-Newell

Amy Horton-Newell has served as the director of the ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty since 2001. She coordinates ABA policy development and programming related to the special legal needs of people experiencing homelessness and poverty, and she collaborates with national, state, and local advocacy groups, associations, and government agencies to provide technical assistance and address issues related to homelessness and poverty. She developed and leads the ABA Homeless Youth Legal Network, an innovative national network that provides information and fosters collaboration in order to help attorneys and other advocates address existing gaps in legal services and improve outcomes for homeless youth and young adults, including those transitioning from the child welfare system and exiting the juvenile justice system. Since 2011, she has served on the Montgomery County, MD, Continuum of Care and currently chairs the Montgomery County Interagency Commission on Homelessness.

Guest Appearances
January 28, 2019

ABA Midyear Meeting 2019: ABA Public Interest Law and Pro Bono Opportunities

A panel at the ABA Midyear Meeting talk about their varying involvement in public interest law and pro bono opportunities.