Amanda Wait

Amanda Wait

A former Federal Trade Commission (FTC) lawyer and head of the firm’s competition and consumer protection practice, Amanda develops creative strategies for clients contemplating or undergoing mergers in the retail and energy sectors, combining her in-depth knowledge of agency practice with a business-focused approach. With the understanding that mergers typically happen once or twice in a company’s lifecycle— and often bring about tremendous uncertainty—Amanda uses her deep experience to counsel clients on making sound strategic and day-to-day business decisions that are informed by the client’s strategic goals and antitrust risk.

She is equally adept at shepherding companies through the intricacies involved in presenting their case before the FTC, DOJ and state attorneys general. Amanda skillfully guides clients through the gamut of issues that may arise under FTC and DOJ antitrust and consumer protection investigations, litigation, and enforcement actions. She has written and spoken extensively on her experience representing parties and witnesses in dozens of FTC and DOJ investigations and litigation.

A frequent speaker on antitrust topics, Amanda is regularly sought after by major media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, National Public Radio, and Associated Press to provide analysis of significant mergers, most often in the retail and consumer products industries.

Amanda’s impressive legal acumen is only matched by her commitment to community service. She is co-founder of The Grapevine, the first networking platform established for professional women in the Washington, DC area who practice in the competition and consumer protection arenas; mentors up-and-coming lawyers through the American Bar Association’s Antitrust Section; and supports the Kautz-Uible Fund at the University of Cincinnati by serving on its board of trustees. Amanda is also steadfastly committed to pro bono work. Among other matters, she applied her passion for running in representing Run To Honor, a group that honors alumni of the US Naval Academy who gave their lives in service to our country.

Guest Appearances
August 17, 2018

Why Antitrust?

Vic Domen, Amanda Wait, and Tom York talk about what attracted them to antitrust and give advice to those considering a career in antitrust.