Alden F. Abbott

Alden F. Abbott

Alden F. Abbott is the Rumpel senior legal fellow and deputy director of the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Alden previously served as director of patent and antitrust strategy for BlackBerry, and in a variety of senior government positions, including director of antitrust policy for the Federal Trade Commission; acting general counsel of the Commerce Department; chief counsel for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration; and senior counsel in the Justice Department. Alden is also an adjunct professor at George Mason Law School, a member of the Leadership of the American Bar Association’s Antitrust Section, and a non-governmental advisor to the International Competition Network.

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Guest Appearances
April 14, 2017

Your Browser History: How Recent ISP Legislation Affects Privacy

In this podcast they talk about Trump's new legislation that allows internet providers or ISPs to sell customer data without consent.