Albert Perez Oyola

Albert Perez Oyola

Master Sergeant Albert Perez Oyola is a veteran military paralegal and serves as a U.S. Air Force law office superintendent at Whiteman, AFB, in Missouri. He previously served as a military justice paralegal, defense paralegal, in the office of legal advisor, and in civil law & claims, in Texas, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Japan.

Perez Oyola earned a bachelor’s degree in world history from Arizona State University and a master’s in journalism from the University of Alabama.

He is a senior editor of the AF Paralegal Journal and is host of the “AF Paralegal Podcast.”

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Guest Appearances
November 30, 2020

Military Trained and Combat Ready

Master Sgt. Albert Perez Oyola details career paths and, for some, intense assignment twists for those trained as military paralegals.